Thursday, November 17, 2022

Blog Post #5 - Anti-War Voices

The mainstream media constantly produces news about the active war in Ukraine as well as years ago in Iraq. Personally, I remember watching coverage of the war in Afghanistan as a kid because my father was deployed out there. I never thought about it too much but I never really heard about people who opposed the war. Mind you, this was mainly ABC and CNN who both now have live Ukraine coverage that is updated by the minute. Looking at this now, I wonder why I need to know every tiny detail of a conflict happening on the other side of the world. This is because governments like war. War is beneficial to both the economy and nationalism. Governments and politicians thrive off of economic booms and nationalist demographics. Nationalism helps bring people together for a certain cause which can help politicians get the points they need to win close elections. Wartime also brings increases to the economy which can be pointed to as a reason to re-elect as well as a reason to stay at war. Anti-war voices are dangerous to these politicians' attempts at gathering voters. It's easier for mainstream media to silence these voices because they negatively affect politicians. Without support for a war, politicians can’t exploit the factors that make them primary candidates. There is obvious evidence of suppression and censorship within today’s media that silences Anti-war voices because they are harmful to these narratives. This is why websites like and The American Conservative are harder to find and must be searched for because they contain strong anti-war voices. They speak about the truths of war instead of the temporary facade it brings. 

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