Saturday, December 10, 2022

Blog Post #9 - EOTO: False Flags

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, a false flag is defined as an incident designed to deceive people into thinking it was actually carried out by someone else. Generally, it is a fake military attack fabricated to point blame at an opposition. They are mainly used as a reason to attack or go to war with another nation by creating a false prejudice against the targetted nation. 


This exact tactic was used in the proposed false flag, Operation Northwoods. The proposed plan outlined in a classified document, later declassified in the Kennedy files, was a false flag operation that would target American citizens and property and then would later be blamed on the Cubans inevitably to draw up enough public support for a war. The document contained possibilities of sabotage by the American government such as the assassination of Cuban immigrants, making it appear as though planes were shot down, blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities. All of these would have been staged attacks by the U.S. government that killed or injured the American people. Luckily, Kennedy rejected the operation. 

On April 7, 2018, a chlorine chemical attack reportedly left 43 people dead in Douma, Syria. Both the governments of Syria and Russia denied having anything to do with the attack so a fact-finding mission was launched to try to find what was really going on. Before the report came in Donald Trump launched a billion dollars worth of missiles toward Syria in response to the chemical attack which destroyed a scientific research facility. When the fact-finding mission came back, the reports were drastically different than what was originally written. Those who wrote the official report weren’t even the same team on the ground in Syria. The attack was made to seem like chlorine canisters were dropped through the roof but the evidence says otherwise. Although not a confirmed false flag, it was advantageous for the United States to launch an attack. We just had no reason to do it yet.

In February of this year, Ukraine and Russia accused each other of carrying out shelling attacks in Donbas. According to media reports, shells hit a school building and left two civilians injured. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson directly called the school shelling “a false flag operation designed to discredit the Ukrainians, designed to create a pretext, a spurious provocation for Russian action.” Other Western leaders did not go that far but agreed that it was highly likely that it was a false flag operation. 

False Flags can have many negative effects, for example, they can lead to hate against another nation under false pretenses. Views on certain nationalities or ethnicities could be warped due to an attack that did not originate from the targetted group. This shatters trust and damages the relationship between the government and the people due to their commitment to deception. False flags are dishonest actions, primarily committed by governments and powerful organizations, therefore they have widespread influence to promote hatred and hostility against others. If one was posed against us, like Operation Northwoods, it would most likely affect the poor or minorities because there would have to be fewer reparations paid if any. Governments could also get away with such actions easier if those people were targeted. The mere existence of false flags makes some very skeptical about any planned attacks. While they are a good war tactic, they drastically affect everyone on either side of the conflict and only benefit the wealthy and powerful. 

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